Täällä Reppulautta-blogin norsunluutornissa yhden miehen armeijamme on lähtenyt rakentelemaan suunnitelmia yhteisen vaelluksen järjestämiseksi kesäkuussa 2014. Kohteeksi on jo ehtinyt valikoitua Pöyrisjärven erämaa-alue siinä Suomi-neidon olkapään paikkeilla ja matkan detaljeja ollaan paraikaa pykäämässä kasaan. Tarkista postauksen lopussa oleva linkkikokoelma niin voinet löytää lisätietoja.
Lisähuomiona haluaisin todeta että saksalainen ystävämme Packrafting Store tarjoilee parhaillaan joulun kunniaksi alennettuja hintoja. Jos vene tai jotain tilpehööriä puuttuu niin nyt saattaisi olla ihan kohtuullinen hetki tehdä ostoksia, veronpalautuksetkin kun ovat taas tuloillaan.
The winter is coming and rivers are already freezing up here. Although snow is "the real whitewater" many of us are trying to find something else to do while waiting for the spring.
As for our one-man army here in the ivory tower of the Reppulautta blog, I've started to prepare a group expedition into Lapland - again. The destination is going be Pöyrisjärvi wilderness area in northern Finnish Lapland. Exact route plan is no ready yet, but check the links for details.
Also, Packrafting Store seems to be having a Christmas sale. If you're missing something now might be a good time to upgrade your equipment.
Nyt ne linkit / Links here:
- Pöyrisjärven erämaa-alueen esittely / General information about Pöyrisjärvi
- Reittikartta / Route map
- Facebook-tapahtuma / Facebook event
- Vaellussuunnitelma / Expedition plan
Vaellussuunnitelmaan on yritetty kerätä kaikki tarpeellinen tieto reissusta. Lue ja tule mukaan. The Expedition plan should contain all the necessary info. Read and join!
Seems like a proper wilderness travel plan.
VastaaPoistaI packrafted the Pöyrisjoki river last summer with a friend and it was quite a good tour. Info on my blog: http://korpijaakko.com/2013/08/08/bike-hike-paddle-poyrisjoki-trip-report/ Friend packrafted later the Käkkälöjoki with another friend and my packraft. It was slow going, mostly flat water. Apparently not very inspiring for packrafting unless you liek paddling narrow flat river. But it's proper wilderness, except for the beginning which is more like a road than a trail, locals drive it with old 4WDs and ATVs but you can always take an off-track route. The only problem I see with your plan is that you miss all the good white water in the lower Pöyrisjoki. ;) The upper is not very inspiring, especially with low summer water. Except if you like fishing graylings.
I'm especially trying to avoid difficult (=interesting) rapids as there are several newcomers coming. The plan is also to go early in June to make sure there's enough water and preferably no insects. I also find flat narrow rivers somewhat nice (have you ever paddled Haukkajoki at Helvetinjärvi national park?) as constant adrenaline rush is not always what people seek. Higher water level may also make Käkkälöjoki a bit swifter .
VastaaPoistaThe harder bits of Pöyrisjoki are quite short and easy to portage but avoiding them altogether works also. And with the route you've planned you get more of a packrafting trip than paddling trip which might be also a good idea. June is also a good idea, way better than late July, though it's also possible. The level 1 and 2 sections on the upper Pöyrisjoki may be quite interesting with spring flood. Hard to say without first hand experience. Also notice that the bogs are probably quite wet in the early season and there's plenty of them. Go for high ground when possible.
VastaaPoistaHaven't been to Helvetinjärvi but sections of "exploratory" packrafting are often interesting. Just full day of it isn't quite for me. I always feel I should've brought a faster boat. :D